Seed treatments to protect your plants (and your bottom line).
Don’t let fungal diseases limit your yield quality or potential. Get broad-spectrum control with a fungicide seed treatment for both soilborne and foliar crop diseases. WinField fungicides are rigorously tested in fields just like yours.
Go ahead, take a peek at our most popular products.

Confine® Extra is a concentrated, phosphite–based fungicide that is used to suppress downy mildew and Phytophthora diseases in–crop on potatoes. For years, producers across Canada have also trusted Confine Extra to bring phenomenal protection to their stored potatoes when used as a postha...
PRODUCT DETAILSExplore available fungicide seed treatments.
Optimize yield potential with WinField Fungicide seed treatments for peas, corn, soybeans and other crops. Whether you’re dealing with powdery mildew or snow mold, a fungicide application can help ensure uniform stand establishment by protecting against soil-borne diseases and improving early season insect control. Our custom designed response-to-fungicide (RTF) ratings for corn offers insight into how your crops can benefit from a corn fungicide application. Contact your local WinField retailer for more information.