• Oct 28, 2022
  • Article • Agronomic Insights

The Seedling Protection Dream Team - Helix® Saltro® Fortenza® Advanced

WinField United Canada
Canola seedlings
Featuring: Kent McKay, Business Agronomy Lead - Double Diamond Farm Supply at Boissevain, MB
You’ve done the easy part; the seeds are planted. Now the hard part; keep them alive through that vulnerable seedling stage! We know protecting your canola seedlings can be a full-time job and it isn’t easy. WinField United Canada is proud to offer Helix® Saltro® Fortenza® Advanced as the base seed treatment for all CROPLAN® canola hybrids.

“This seed treatment package addresses so many of the early season concerns we have with canola seedlings,” says Kent McKay, Business Agronomy Lead at Double Diamond Farm Supply.

“Using seed treated with this package is a maintenance-free experience. Normally you spend the first four to five weeks of a canola seedling’s life looking over your shoulder for problems and challenges and dealing with them; whereas these seedlings grow forward on their own and you don't have to go through that problematic stage. It checks all the boxes on the management of early life stage nuisances for canola seed.”

Image source: Syngenta®

“This has been especially important in recent years when facing flea beetles. Mostly striped but in the past two seasons, crucifer populations have also been elevated and they seem to come in waves. What we find is that these CROPLAN seedlings with a stronger base seed treatment package just grow through the stresses as opposed to being weakened by them,” says McKay.

Protecting against pests is an essential piece of seedling management. Flea beetle and cutworm damage can cause uneven emergence, thin plant stands, delayed crop development and uneven maturity which impacts your crop yield potential. Disease-causing pathogens can also use insect-feeding sites as entry points, further threatening canola yields.

Helix Saltro Fortenza Advanced combines three insecticides and five fungicides for powerful broad-spectrum protection against seed and seedling disease and insect pest pressures.

Helix Saltro is the latest innovation in the Helix line up from Syngenta. With a new fungicidal active ingredient that protects against airborne Blackleg and added protection for the plant during the cotyledon development, Helix Saltro protects the plant during a critical time.

Shad Milligan, Syngenta Seedcare Technical Lead for the west explains that “protecting your canola seed investment with Helix Saltro pays off, delivering the most comprehensive protection in a foundation seed treatment – including flea beetles and seed- and airborne blackleg – plus Rooting Power® and Vigor Trigger™ benefits that help your crop reach its maximum potential. The diversity of blackleg races is evolving and Saltro gives you broad-spectrum control of them all.”

Fortenza Advanced is a proven insecticide with protection against flea beetles and cutworms from two active ingredients (sulfoxaflor and cyantraniliprole).

“When you want a simple option to protect your canola seed investment from striped and crucifer flea beetles and cutworms, Fortenza Advanced is the seed treatment choice that provides two high-performing insecticides in one product,” says Milligan.

Thinking about next season, McKay says “knowing what the problems were in the field, the ability to get all this protection in one package is really key. The seedlings make it through with a whole lot less handholding, maintenance or extra applications. It’s a very different experience to have that peace of mind.”

Find a CROPLAN retailer today to lock in your order with Helix Saltro Fortenza Advanced.

Featuring: Kent McKay, Business Agronomy Lead - Double Diamond Farm Supply at Boissevain, MB