MAX-IN® Boron

Plant Nutrition & Performance WHERE TO BUY
MAX-IN® Boron is an effective foliar-applied source of boron that is specially formulated to increase the movement of micronutrients through the leaf cuticle and into internal structures.
REGIONAL AVAILABILITY : Eastern & Western Canada


  • Contains MAX-IN technology, designed to increase humectancy to make more of the applied nutrient available for plants.
  • Can be used in a broad spectrum of crops, and is easily mixed with most other crop nutrients and crop protection products.
Most crops: 0.35-0.71 L/ac


Most crops: 0.35-0.71 L/ac
8.0% Boron


8.0% Boron
Ingredients Icon


2 x 10 L jugs/case
450 L tote

Where to buy

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